Little Red Book E-Shop

Little Red Book e-shop is not as famous as Douyin and Kuaishou social ecommerce either. Little Red Book APP has a 6% share of the social ecommerce market. Little Red Book APP may look new to many foreign business in China. The brand is booming. The platform promises to be the future leading platform of social media/e-commerce in China. In 2018, Little Red Book reached 1,4 billion RMB total sale value and declared that the app will reach 3 billion RMB of turnover by the end of 2019.

Four Steps to promote your brand on Chinese APP

Open Account

To open a professional account on Little Red Book APP is free. Please take the advantage of the little red book platform, where you will find your potential target Chinese audience.

Find a Partner

To find and partner with some Chinese influencers to work together. The key opinion leaders will help you create contents on Little Red Book to promote your brand the visibility.

Build Fans List

To open an e-store after you have built and increased your fans-list on the little red book APP. Continue your impactful marketing content tailored to your target audience.

Sales Conversion

To check monthly analysis reports, improve digital marketing performance, to reach an expected conversion rate. Creating unique contents continuously to reach new consumers.

To register an E-Shop Step 1.

Get ready to your company basic information, Chinese name, business model in China, office address, company identity. Consider using a Chinese agency if you do not want to register a new company in China.

To register an E-Shop Step 2.

Complete the registration by submitting business license, and collecting bank name and address, currency used for the billing. Additional documents are required your agent to sell your brand products: authorization letter from the brand owner with the official brand seal.

To register an E-Shop Step 3.

Once above steps are done, the little red book staff will analyze the registration application and process it. To sign the agreement online as well as the paper version is approved. The brand owner and his agent will be able to access to its e-shop on RED’s management platform.

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Hire a Chinese agency to run your Little Red Book Marketing

We work as a Little Red Book Agency, e-store and eCommerce in China. We are based in China and help Brands to open Store on Chinese social media platforms. Contact us when you want to realize effective promotion and marketing campaign in China market.